
Green Resources’ second largest asset base is located in the Niassa Province of Northern Mozambique. The company manages approximately 13,000ha of planted forest with an aim to build this out over time.

At present the industrial operations in Mozambique are modest with only pole treatment operation that supplies transmission poles to the Mozambican national electricity company. The company supplies sawlogs to a 3rd party sawmill as well as biomass to a large Agro-processing operation.

Mozambique is a large & sparsely populated country with huge agriculture and forestry potential. It has the potential to establish plantations that could supply wood for world-scale forest industries. The logistics are excellent, with good connections to the Nacala deep-water port. The company is currently exploring opportunities to scale up the operations and add industrial capacity.

Green Resources supports the communities surrounding its plantations through a Social Fund program where annually communities receive funding support for the development of social infrastructure. This funding is released into a joint account held between the community and the company and projects funding is released under strict controls that ensure all members of the community benefit from the use of these funds.

Green Resources is increasingly concentrating its operations in Mozambique in the Niassa Province. Its operations in the Nampula and Zambezia province are currently placed under care and maintenance until a final decision is made on its future.